West Virginia Assessor's Farm Statistics
(Complete all sections of your form that pertain to your operation)
Name and Address: If a label was provided, please make any needed corrections in the name and address area provided. If no label was provided, please fill out the name and address area completely.
Name of Operation: Only commonly used farm names should be entered. i.e., "Jones Hereford Farm" or "Twin Oak." Otherwise, leave blank.
Name of Operator: Full name of the person or persons making the day-to-day decisions on the agricultural operation. A blank form should be used for any new operator, with the name and address entered in the area provided. Out-of-business operations (no crops or livestock production) for whom a labeled form was received, should be noted accordingly and submitted as a completed form.
Name of Landowner: Enter the name of the landowner (actual owner of property) if different from the operator of the agricultural operation.
SSN OR EIN number: Strictly voluntary, used only to eliminate duplication in lists of agricultural operations.
1. Agricultural Operation Description: Total acres in farm should equal acres owned plus acres rented from others minus acres rented to others. This must be answered. Acres of crops in Items 2-12 plus acres in Item 13 should equal the Total Farm acres in Item 1. Acres Owned refers only to acres related to the farming operation. Acres Rented from Others refers only to acres rented by the farming operation for agricultural production. Acres Rent To Others refers only to land rented to others for agricultural production.
2-12. Crops: These questions refer to the acreage planted or grown for harvest during 2025. For Hay report only actual acres in the field, regardless of the number of times cut, and do not report the number of bales cut. Other Crops include vegetables, berries, grapes, nursery products, tree fruit other than apples and peaches and any other crops not listed. Fruit Tree information is needed only for operations with 100 or more trees.
13. All Other Land: Include farmstead, roads, woodlands, wetlands, waste, government program land, and any land not already counted.
14. Total Grain Storage: Include any type of structure normally used to store whole grain. Exclude non-permanent storage such as troughs, plastic bags or barrels.
15-24. Livestock and Poultry: These questions refer to the peak inventory number during 2025. Operations such as broiler houses need only report the capacity of the houses on their operation not the annual production. OTHER LIVESTOCK refers to any other livestock and poultry production not listed in Items 15-23. Other types of livestock may include fish, emus, rheas, ostriches, llamas etc.
25. Value of Production: Enter the total value of livestock production from Items 2-13. Include all crops, fruit, vegetables, nursery and greenhouse, Christmas trees, and forest products from the farm acres. Also Include value from cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, horses, chickens, turkeys, bees, and other livestock raised on the operation during the twelve month period ending June 30, 2025.